Thursday 16th May 2019, Rainton Farm, Dumfries & Galloway DG7 2DR
Pre conference breakfast courtesy of Rude Health.
Farm Tour (see below).
Welcome and Opening Speeches
Welcome from the four co-hosting farms. Opening speech by Mairi Gougeon MSP, Scottish Government Minister for Rural Affairs and the Natural Environment.

Pasture Management, Soil, Organic Carbon & Biodiversity
Presentations and panel debate facilitated by Nick Barnard of Rude Health. Speakers will include Prof Christine Watson of SRUC, Denise Walton of Peelham Farm and UK based regenerative farmer Rob Richmond.

Coffee break
Animal Welfare
Presentations from Dr Angela Wright of CiWF and PFLA and from Prof Francoise Wemelsfelder of SRUC. Followed by facilitated discussion led by Dr Kathryn Ellis of Glasgow Vet School.

Lunch. Buffet style and BBQ showcasing sustainably produced food. Farm tours.
Optional Lunchtime Sessions
12:50pm - 1:15pm and 1.55pm-2.20pm
Ethical Farming: What does it mean for the workforce?
Charles Ellett and Barry Davies of Rainton Farm
From Soil to Stomach
Aled Davies of Pruex on the use of soil bacteria in reducing pathogens
Andrew Whitley of Scotland the Bread on the use of heritage grains in fermented bread
Will Winter, USA based holistic farmer on the benefits of raw milk
1:20pm - 1:50pm and 1:50pm-2:20pm
Cows (and men) cry too: mental health, intensification and udder stories.
Storytelling and Spoken Word with Georgia Wingfield-Hayes and Orla Shortall
Orla Shortall is a social scientist at the James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen carrying out a fellowship on the future dairy systems in the UK and Ireland called ‘Cows eat grass, don’t they?’. Orla is also a spoken word artist and runs the Speakin’ Weird spoken word night in Aberdeen.
Georgia Wingfield-Hayes is a writer and storyteller who likes to explore our relationship with the more-than-human world. We are the stories we tell ourselves, what future are we creating through those stories?
Nutritional Science of Red Meat and Fats & Social Impact
Keynote presentation by Dr Zoë Harcombe titled: 'The Nutritional Science of Red Meat and Fats'. This will be followed by talks from Will Winter DVM on 'The Health Benefits of 100% Grass Fed Milk’ and Mary Clear of Incredible Edibles, and a panel debate of all speakers on Nutrition & Social Impact facilitated by Prof. Sarah Skerratt of SRUC.

Coffee break
Public Goods & the Circular Economy
Presentations and Q&A facilitated by Pete Ritchie. Speakers will include Adele Jones of Sustainable Food Trust and Defra, Bryce Cunningham of Mossgiel Farm, Ruth Layton of FAI Farms and Prof Davy McCracken of SRUC.
Followed by Farm Tours.